Cubzh Cheat Sheet
The goal of this document is to show you in a single page most of the attributes and functions available.
This list is not exaustive but is a great start to learn Cubzh if you are already an experienced developer.
Base Functions
Client.OnStart = function() -- trigger once on start end Client.Tick = function(dt) -- tick at each frame end Client.OnPlayerJoin = function(p) print(p.Username.." joins the game.") end Client.OnPlayerLeave = function(p) print(p.Username.." lefts the game.") end
World / Object
Config = { Map = "aduermael.rockies" } Config.Map = "aduermael.rockies" Client.OnStart = function() Map.Scale = 5 -- default Map:AddBlock(Color.White,0,0,0) -- bottom left corner local b = Map:GetBlock(0,0,0) b:Replace(Color.Red) b:Remove() end
Config = { Map = "aduermael.rockies", Items = { "aduermael.rainbow_sword" } } Client.OnStart = function() local shape = Shape(Items.aduermael.rainbow_sword) shape:SetParent(Map) -- adds created shape in the map shape.Position = Number3(Map.Width * 0.5, Map.Height, Map.Depth * 0.5) * Map.Scale shape.LocalPosition = { Map.Width * 0.5, Map.Height, Map.Depth * 0.5 } shape.IsHidden = true -- false by default shape:SetParent(World) -- adds created shape in the world shape.LocalPosition = Number3(Map.Width * 0.5, Map.Height, Map.Depth * 0.5) * Map.Scale shape.LocalRotation = Number3(0, math.pi / 2, 0) shape.LocalScale = 3 shape.Tick = function(object, dt) shape.Position.Y = shape.Position.Y + dt end -- You can also load shapes asynchronously without adding them in Config.Items Object:Load("caillef.basicaxe", function(axe) if not axe then return end Player:EquipRightHand(axe) end) -- MutableShape local mutableShape = MutableShape(Items.aduermael.rainbow_sword) mutableShape:AddBlock(Color(0,255,0), 10, 10, 10) local block = mutableShape:GetBlock(10, 10, 10) if block then block:Remove() end Player:EquipRightHand(mutableShape) end
Physics / Collision
shape.Physics = PhysicsMode.Disabled -- excluded from all physics features. shape.Physics = PhysicsMode.Trigger -- casts, collision callbacks, passed through by other dynamic objects. shape.Physics = PhysicsMode.Static -- casts, collision callbacks, obstacle for other dynamic objects. shape.Physics = PhysicsMode.Dynamic -- fall and has Velocity, world-aligned collision box, casts, collision callbacks, may act as obstacles for other dynamic objects, fully simulated shape.OnCollision = function(shape, other) end shape.OnCollisionBegin = function(shape, other) end shape.OnCollisionEnd = function(shape, other) end local object1 = Object() local object2 = Object() -- making sure 2 objects collide with each other -- NOTE: by default: -- Map.CollisionGroups == {1}, -- Player.CollisionGroups == {2}, -- Object.CollisionGroups == {3} object1.CollisionGroups = {5} object2.CollisionGroups = {5} object1.CollidesWithGroups = {1, 5} -- collides with Map + objects in group 5 object2.CollidesWithGroups = {1, 5} -- collides with Map + objects in group 5 -- OR object1.CollidesWithGroups = Map.CollisionGroups + {5} object2.CollidesWithGroups = Map.CollisionGroups + {5} -- making an object collides with the Map and Players local object = Object() object.CollidesWithGroups = Map.CollisionGroups + Player.CollisionGroups -- for Player (local player) to collide with other players and the Map Player.CollidesWithGroups = Map.CollisionGroups + Player.CollisionGroups
Camera:SetModeFirstPerson(Player) Camera:SetModeThirdPerson(Player) Camera:SetModeSatellite(Player, 10.0) Camera:SetModeFree() Camera:FitToScreen(myShape, 0.6) Camera.FOV = 40.0
Player.Scale = 0.5 -- default Player.Head.Scale = 2 Player.RightArm.IsHidden = true
Config = { Items = { "aduermael.rainbow_sword" } } Client.OnStart = function() Player:EquipRightHand(Items.aduermael.rainbow_sword) -- or local s = Shape(Items.aduermael.rainbow_sword) Player:EquipRightHand(s) Player:EquipRightHand(nil) -- unequips the sword -- other socket Player:EquipLeftHand(Items.aduermael.rainbow_sword) Player:EquipBackpack(Items.aduermael.rainbow_sword) Player:SwapHands() -- swap items -- Animation, can be used in Action2 Player:SwingRight() Player:SwingLeft() end
Pointer.Down = function( pointerEvent ) local impact = pointerEvent:CastRay() -- or local ray = Ray(pointerEvent.Position, pointerEvent.Direction) local impact = ray:Cast() if impact.Block ~= nil then local position = pointerEvent.Position + pointerEvent.Direction * impact.Distance print("block hit:", impact.Block) end end -- cast rays from Camera's position to remove cubes in the map Client.Action2 = function() local impact = Camera:CastRay(Map.CollisionGroups) -- only consider the map for collisions -- or local ray = Ray(Camera.Position, Camera.Forward) local impact = ray:Cast(Map.CollisionGroups) -- only consider the map for collisions if impact.Block ~= nil then impact.Block:Remove() end end -- cast ray down from Player's position to see -- if there's something under it: Client.Action3 = function() local ray = Ray(Player.Position, {0, -1, 0}) local impact = ray:Cast(nil, Player) -- filter out Player to avoid direct impacts with it if impact ~= nil then print("found something under the player, distance:", impact.Distance) end end
Client.Action1 = function() print("Press Space or button on mobile") end Client.Action1Release = function() print("Press Space or button on mobile") end Client.Action2 = function() print("Press Left Click or button on mobile") local impact = Player:CastRay() if impact.Block ~= nil then print("block hit:", impact.Block) end local impact = Camera:CastRay() if impact.Block ~= nil then print("block hit:", impact.Block) end end Client.Action2Release = function() print("Release Left Click or button on mobile") end Client.Action3 = function() print("Press Right Click or button on mobile") end Client.Action3Release = function() print("Release Right Click or button on mobile") end
-- DEFAULT IMPLEMENTATION -- (those functions can be redefined) Client.AnalogPad = function(dx, dy) Player.LocalRotation.Y = Player.LocalRotation.Y + dx * 0.01 Player.LocalRotation.X = Player.LocalRotation.X + -dy * 0.01 if dpadX ~= nil and dpadY ~= nil then Player.Motion = (Player.Forward * dpadY + Player.Right * dpadX) * 50 end end Client.DirectionalPad = function(x, y) -- storing globals here for AnalogPad -- to update Player.Motion dpadX = x dpadY = y Player.Motion = (Player.Forward * y + Player.Right * x) * 50 end
Pointer / TouchScreen
More info on PointerEvent
Client.OnStart = function() Pointer:Show() -- if third person, hold click to move the camera UI.Crosshair = false end Pointer.Zoom = function(zoomValue) -- for example, move the camera back and forth Camera.Position = Camera.Position + Camera.Forward * zoomSpeed * zoomValue -- we could also play with Camera.FieldOfView for a more convincing zoom effect, -- use a velocity-based zoom to have a smooth motion, or any other custom logic end Pointer.Up = function(pointerEvent) local impact = pointerEvent:CastRay() if impact.Block ~= nil then print("block hit:", impact.Block) end -- this can also be done using a Ray object: local ray = Ray(pointerEvent.Position, pointerEvent.Direction) impact = ray:Cast(Map) -- filter in Map if impact.Block ~= nil then print("block hit:", impact.Block) end end Pointer.Down = function(pointerEvent) print(pointerEvent.X, pointerEvent.Y) end Pointer.Drag = function(pointerEvent) print(pointerEvent.DX, pointerEvent.DY) end Pointer.DragBegin = function(pointerEvent) end Pointer.DragEnd = function(pointerEvent) end -- right click or 2 fingers drag Pointer.Drag2 = function(pointerEvent) end Pointer.Drag2Begin = function(pointerEvent) end Pointer.Drag2End = function(pointerEvent) end
local blue = Color(0,0,255) -- integers 0-255 -- or local blue = Color(0.0, 0.0, 1.0) -- decimals 0.0-1.0
Sounds and Music
List of all the sounds available here:
Client.OnStart = function() -- add the AudioListener to the player's head -- to "glue the microphone" to this object Player.Head:AddChild(AudioListener) -- create a new source as = AudioSource() as.Sound = "death_scream_guy_1" as:SetParent(Player.Head) as.Volume = 0.3 as.StartAt = 200 as.StopAt = 1000 as.Pitch = 0.5 as.Spatialized = false -- if true, the closer you are from the source, the louder it will be as:Play() Timer(2, false, function() as:Stop() end) end
Delay and Clock
Timer(5, function() print("5 seconds") end) Timer(2, true, function() print("tick every 2 seconds") end) object.Tick = function(o, dt) print("Tick of an object") end
local l = Light() -- change light properties l.Radius = 50 l.Hardness = 0.5 -- Default 0.5, core intensity of the emitted light l.Color = Color(1.0, 1.0, 0.5) l.On = true -- use it as a normal object in the scene l:SetParent(World) l.Position = { x, y, z }
local t = Text() -- change text properties t.Text = "Hello world!" t.Type = TextType.Screen -- The text type can be set to TextType.World (default) or TextType.Screen. t.IsUnlit = true t.Tail = true t.Color = Color.White t.BackgroundColor = Color.Red t.FontSize = 30 -- Font size in points, 22.0 by default -- use it as a normal object in the scene t:SetParent(Player) t.LocalPosition = { 0, 34, 0 }
UI (internal module)
Client.OnStart = function() ui = require("uikit") ui:init() end Pointer.Down = function(pe) ui:pointerDown(pe) end Pointer.Up = function(pe) ui:pointerUp(pe) end Screen.DidResize = function() ui:fitScreen() end
Client.OnStart = function() ui = require("uikit") ui:init() local frame = ui:createFrame(Color.Red) frame:setParent(ui.rootFrame) frame.Width = 200 frame.Height = 100 frame.LocalPosition = Number3(50,50,0) -- Z cannot be set like that, it must be set independently local text = ui:createText("HP", Color.White, "small") -- size can be "small", "default", "big" text:setParent(frame) text.object.Anchor = { 0.5, 0.5 } -- place anchor in the middle of the text text.LocalPosition.Z = -1 -- place the frame in front of the parent text.parentDidResize = function() -- called if the window is resized (responsiveness) text.LocalPosition = Number3(frame.Width / 2, frame.Height / 2, 0) end text:parentDidResize() -- after 5 seconds, update frame height Timer(5, function() frame.Height = 200 end) local button = ui:createButton("Click here") button:setParent(ui.rootFrame) -- must be set to ui.rootFrame or another ui element button:setColor(Color.Blue, Color.White) -- set background color and text color button.LocalPosition = Number3(Screen.Width - button.Width - 5, 100, 0) button.onRelease = function() print("Click") end end
Client.OnChat = function(payload) local message = payload.message -- access the message field from the payload param print(message) -- shows the message only for this client, not synced, see Events end
HTTP / External API
local url = "" -- replace with the URL you want to request local headers = {} headers["Content-Type"] = "application/json" headers["Authorization"] = "Bearer 298H3298H329839823" -- if the API requires authentication -- GET HTTP:Get(url, headers, function(res) if res.StatusCode ~= 200 then print("Error " .. res.StatusCode) return end -- body is [{"id": 289733, "name": "Mike", "age": 15}] users,err = JSON:Decode(res.Body) local user = users[1] print(,, user.age) -- prints 289734 Mike 15.0 end) -- POST local body = {} = "Bob" body.age = 28 HTTP:Post(url, headers, body, function(res) if res.StatusCode ~= 200 then print("Error " .. res.StatusCode) return end -- body is {"id": 289734, "name": "Bob", "age": 28} user,err = JSON:Decode(res.Body) print(,, user.age) -- prints 289734 Bob 28.0 end)
Events / Multiplayer
Send Events
local e = Event() e.action = "ping" e.someMessage = "Something I'd like to say!" e.someNumber = 42 e:SendTo(Server) -- send to Server -- other possible recipients: e:SendTo(Players) -- send to all players e:SendTo(Players[2]) -- send to player 2 e:SendTo(OtherPlayers) -- send to all players but self
Receive Events
Client.DidReceiveEvent = function(event) if event.action == "pong" then print("received pong") end end Server.DidReceiveEvent = function(event) if event.action == "ping" then local response = Event() response.action = "pong" response:SendTo(event.Sender) end end
Multi (internal module)
This module will sync the movement of all the players so that you can see other players in the World.
You can also use playerAction to play an animation when a player press a key for example.
Client.OnStart = function() multi = require("multi") multi.teleportTriggerDistance = 100 onFire = function(player, data) print( player:SwingRight() end multi:registerPlayerAction("fire", onFire) -- rest of the code ... end Client.Tick = function(dt) multi:tick(dt) end Client.OnPlayerJoin = function(p) multi:initPlayer(p) end Client.OnPlayerLeave = function(p) multi:removePlayer(p) end Client.DidReceiveEvent = function(e) multi:receive(e) end -- jump function, triggered with Action1 Client.Action1 = function() if Player.IsOnGround then Player.Velocity.Y = 100 -- This is synced by default by the module because all the movements are synchronised end end Client.Action2 = function() -- send action to other players multi:playerAction("fire", { name=Player.Username }) -- play action locally onFire(Player, { name=Player.Username }) end
To save data between two sessions or to save highscores, you can use KeyValueStore
Server.DidReceiveEvent = function(event) if event.action == "getXP" then -- retrieve and return player's experience: local store = KeyValueStore(event.Sender.UserID) -- use UserID as store name -- get value for "xp" key store:Get("xp", function(success, results) if success then local response = Event() response.xp = results.xp response:SendTo(event.Sender) end end) end end local store = KeyValueStore("settings") store:Set("currentChallenge", "halloween", "jumpStrength", 10, function(success) if success then -- operation was successful end end) store:Get("currentChallenge", "jumpStrength", function(success, results) if success then -- do something with results.currentChallenge -- and results.jumpStrength end end)