A Number2 contains 3 number values (X & Y). It can represent different things in 2D space, like points or positions.
Creates a Number2 with values x and y.
local myNumber2 = Number2(1, 2)
Returns a copy of the Number2.
local n1 = Number2(1, 0, 0) local n2 = n1 -- n2 is not a copy but a direct reference to n1 n2.X = 10 print(n1.X) -- now n1.X == 10 -- using Copy: local n1 = Number2(1, 0, 0) local n2 = n1:Copy() -- n2 is a copy of n1, they're not the same Number2 n2.X = 10 print(n1.X) -- n1.X is still 1
Sets this Number2 to the linear interpolation between two given Number2 at a given ratio.
Sets this Number2's components to the given values.
Shortcut to unit vector Number2(0, -1).
This is a property of the global Number2, to be called as Number2.Down.
Shortcut to unit vector Number2(-1, 0).
This is a property of the global Number2, to be called as Number2.Left.
Shortcut to Number2(1, 1).
This is a property of the global Number2, to be called as Number2.One.
Shortcut to unit vector Number2(1, 0).
This is a property of the global Number2, to be called as Number2.Right.
Squared magnitude of the Number2.
Shortcut to unit vector Number2(0, 1).
This is a property of the global Number2, to be called as Number2.Up.
Shortcut to Number2(0, 0).
This is a property of the global Number2, to be called as Number2.Zero.