A Number3 contains 3 number values (X, Y & Z). It can represent different things in 3D space (points, vectors, forces).
Creates a Number3 with values x, y and z.
local myNumber3 = Number3(1, 2, 3)
Returns the angle in radians between this and given vector.
Returns a copy of the Number3.
local n1 = Number3(1, 0, 0) local n2 = n1 -- n2 is not a copy but a direct reference to n1 n2.X = 10 print(n1.X) -- now n1.X == 10 -- using Copy: local n1 = Number3(1, 0, 0) local n2 = n1:Copy() -- n2 is a copy of n1, they're not the same Number3 n2.X = 10 print(n1.X) -- n1.X is still 1
Returns the cross product of both Number3s.
local n1 = Number3(1, 0, 0) local n2 = Number3(1, 0, 0) local n3 = n1:Cross(n2)
Returns the dot product of both Number3s.
local n1 = Number3(1, 0, 0) local n2 = Number3(1, 0, 0) local dot = n1:Dot(n2)
Sets this Number3 to the linear interpolation between two given Number3 at a given ratio.
Normalizes the Number3 so that its magnitude(/reference/number3#property-length) becomes 1.0, and return it.
local someNumber3 = Number3(10,0,0) someNumber3:Normalize() -- someNumber3 == 1 now -- NOTE: this also achieves normalization: someNumber3.Length = 1.0
Rotates the Number3 using euler angles in parameters (in radians).
local someNumber3 = Number3(0,0,1) local pi = 3.1415 someNumber3:Rotate(Number3(0,pi,0)) -- someNumber3 == Number3(0,0,-1), after a PI rotation around Y axis (180°)
Sets this Number3's components to the given values.
Shortcut to unit vector Number3(0, 0, -1).
This is a property of the global Number3, to be called as Number3.Backward.
Shortcut to unit vector Number3(0, -1, 0).
This is a property of the global Number3, to be called as Number3.Down.
Shortcut to unit vector Number3(0, 0, 1).
This is a property of the global Number3, to be called as Number3.Forward.
Shortcut to unit vector Number3(-1, 0, 0).
This is a property of the global Number3, to be called as Number3.Left.
Shortcut to Number3(1, 1, 1).
This is a property of the global Number3, to be called as Number3.One.
Shortcut to unit vector Number3(1, 0, 0).
This is a property of the global Number3, to be called as Number3.Right.
Reading Number3.SquaredLength is faster than reading Number3.Length.
This is the main reason why this attribute is exposed.
It can be used when comparing distances.
-- compare distances between objects local d2 = o1.Position - o2.Position local d3 = o1.Position - o3.Position if d2.SquaredLength < d3.SquaredLength then print("o1 is closer to o2") else print("o1 is closer to o3") end -- Using Length instead of SquaredLength would give the same results, -- but it would have to internally compute 2 square roots for nothing.
Shortcut to unit vector Number3(0, 1, 0).
This is a property of the global Number3, to be called as Number3.Up.
Shortcut to Number3(0, 0, 0).
This is a property of the global Number3, to be called as Number3.Zero.