
Camera extends Object, adding functions and properties to it.
Camera is not creatable, there's only one instance of it. It can only be accessed through its globally exposed variable.

A Camera is an object that can be placed in the scene to render all or select elements based on their layers.

The global instance Camera corresponds to the default main camera that renders to fullscreen. Additional cameras are rendered on top, according to their view order. Their output can optionally be displayed inside a custom screen rectangle, called a target.

All camera modes listed on this page are implemented in Lua, it's totally possible to implement custom ones.

Code examples of Camera's various fields can be found in the following worlds,
- Camera Projection Modes
- Radar FX Example
- Multi Camera UI Example
- Minimap Example


Impact CastRay ( Shape filterIn )
Impact CastRay ( nil filterIn, Object filterOut )
Impact CastRay ( CollisionGroups filterIn, Object filterOut )
Impact CastRay ( Shape filterIn, Object filterOut )

Casts a ray and returns an Impact (can be nil).

The Impact contains information about the kind of thing that's been hit.

💡 Calls Ray.Cast under the hood. See Ray.Cast definition for more details about possible filters.

local impact = Camera:CastRay()
if impact.Block ~= nil then
  print("block hit:", impact.Block)
nil FitToScreen ( Shape target, table options optional )

Fits the given Shape or Box to the screen, taking into account the camera's Projection mode. This function moves the camera back until the target fits on screen.

For example, to fit an object at the center of the screen, first have the camera look at the target (camera.Forward = target.Position - camera.Position) before calling this function.

Optional parameters:
- coverage indicates how much of the screen should be covered by the target. You can use this to adjust the fit, increasing this value will effectively zoom in on the target, decreasing it will zoom out.
- orientation may be used to force the use of a single dimension, instead of automatically choosing the limiting dimension. Valid values are "vertical" or "horizontal".

-- make the camera look at the shape
Camera.Forward = myShape.Position - Camera.Position

-- make the shape's bounding box cover approximately 60% of the screen, depending on perspective
Camera:FitToScreen(myShape, { coverage=0.6 })

Converts an unsigned normalized screen point (between 0.0 and 1.0) into a world Ray through this camera projection.

Puts Camera in "first person" mode. Looking at the world from target's perspective.

When calling SetModeFirstPerson without parameters, the target defaults to Player (local player).

When offset is set to an number, the offset is set on the vertical axis only, (Number3(0, offset, 0))

Camera:SetModeFirstPerson(Player, 3.0)

When in that mode, the camera rotates around its target, maintaining its distance from it.

When calling SetModeSatellite without parameters, the target defaults the current position of the camera.

SetModeSatellite can be called several time to update the distance.

Once the "satellite mode" is set, Camera.LocalRotation can be used to rotate around the target.

Camera:SetModeSatellite(Player, 10.0)
nil SetModeThirdPerson ( Object target, number minDist, number maxDist, number offset )
nil SetModeThirdPerson ( Object target, number minDist, number maxDist, Number3 offset )

Puts Camera in "third person" mode. (looking at Camera's target, from a behind-the-shoulder perspective)

When calling SetModeThirdPerson without parameters, the target defaults to Player (local player).

By default, the Camera is placed beind its target. But it's then possible to change its LocalRotation to look at the target from a different angle.

minDist, maxDist and offset settings are optional but can be provided to tweak positioning.



Converts a world point to an unsigned normalized screen point (between 0.0 and 1.0) through this camera projection.

Inherited from Object


nil Load ( string itemName, function callback, table config optional )

Loads the given item asynchronously and calls the callback once done. The parameter itemName follows the usual naming convention user.item.

This is a function of the global Camera, to be called as Object:Load(itemName, callback, config).

The config table options are as follows,
- mutable allows to create the item shapes as MutableShape instead of Shape. Default false.
- bakedLight allows to generate baked lighting for the item shapes. Default false.

nil AddChild ( Object child, boolean keepWorld optional )

Adds given Object as a child. Object extensions like Shape or MutableShape are naturally accepted too.

The keepWorld optional parameter, false by default, dictates whether to maintain the child's world or local position and rotation. Keeping world will ensure the object doesn't move in the scene, adjusting its local position/rotation accordingly; keeping local will have the object move in the scene in order to maintain an equivalent local position/rotation relative to its new parent.

local o = Object()
local myShape = Shape(Items.someuser.someitem)
nil RemoveChild ( Object child, boolean keepWorld optional )

Unsets parent/child relationship with child parameter. The child ends up being deleted if it has no other references.

The keepWorld optional parameter, false by default, dictates whether to maintain the child's world or local position and rotation. Keeping world will ensure the object doesn't move in the scene, adjusting its local position/rotation accordingly; keeping local will have the object move in the scene in order to maintain an equivalent local position/rotation relative to its new parent.

nil RemoveChildren ( boolean keepWorld optional )

Unsets parent/child relationship with all children. Individual children end up being deleted if they have no other references.

The keepWorld optional parameter, false by default, dictates whether to maintain the child's world or local position and rotation. Keeping world will ensure the object doesn't move in the scene, adjusting its local position/rotation accordingly; keeping local will have the object move in the scene in order to maintain an equivalent local position/rotation relative to its new parent.


Get child Object at index.

if o.ChildrenCount > 0 then
  print(o:GetChild(1)) -- prints first child

Get Camera's parent.

nil SetParent ( Object parent, boolean keepWorld optional )

Sets parent/child relationship with parent parameter. nil can be used to remove the Object from its parent.

The keepWorld optional parameter, false by default, dictates whether to maintain the child's world or local position and rotation. Keeping world will ensure the object doesn't move in the scene, adjusting its local position/rotation accordingly; keeping local will have the object move in the scene in order to maintain an equivalent local position/rotation relative to its new parent.

It's also a good practice to set child/parent relationships before setting positions.

local o = Object()
o:SetParent(Map) -- o is now a child of the map
-- (Map is an extension of Object)
nil RemoveFromParent ( boolean keepWorld optional )

Removes the Camera from its parent. Doesn't do anything if the Camera has no parent.

The keepWorld optional parameter, false by default, dictates whether to maintain the child's world or local position and rotation. Keeping world will ensure the object doesn't move in the scene, adjusting its local position/rotation accordingly; keeping local will have the object move in the scene in order to maintain an equivalent local position/rotation relative to its new parent.


Converts a local position to world coordinate system.

local p = Number3(1, 2, 3)
local pInWorldCoords = myObject:PositionLocalToWorld(p)

Converts a world position to local coordinate system.

local p = Number3(1, 2, 3)
local pInLocalCoords = myObject:PositionWorldToLocal(p)

Rotates the Camera in its own coordinates system.

o = Object()
-- rotate with provided Euler angle
o:RotateLocal({0, 0, math.pi / 2.0})

-- rotate along specified axis
o:RotateLocal(o.Forward, math.pi / 2.0)

Rotate the Camera in the World coordinates system.

o = Object()
-- rotate with provided Euler angles
o:RotateWorld({0, 0, math.pi / 2.0})

-- rotate along specified axis
o:RotateWorld(o.Forward, math.pi / 2.0)
-- same as o:RotateLocal({0, 0, 1}, math.pi / 2.0)

Converts a rotation from local to world relative to this object.

Converts a rotation from world to local relative to this object.

Returns true if the two Objects may collide with each other.

nil ApplyForce ( Object self, Number3 value )

Apply a force to Object, taking into account its Mass.

Resets to Camera's original collision box. For example, Player and Shape objects will revert to fitting their model bounding box.


Shortcut to Camera.Color alpha.

Multiplicative color applied on camera final render.

Far plane of the camera projection.

Can be set to change Camera's minimum field of view, default value is 60 degrees.

The minimum field of view equates to the vertical field of view in landscape, or to the horizontal field of view in portrait. This is to ensure a consistent look&feel between screen orientations or aspect ratios.

Camera.FieldOfView = 40.0

Height of the camera projection.

number HorizontalFOV read-only

Returns the horizontal field of view, depending on current screen orientation. This is based on the minimum field of view FieldOfView.

Integer or table of integers between 1 and 12. Only objects in one of the specified layers are rendered by the camera.

Near plane of the camera projection.

Whether the camera is active or not.

The projection mode can be one of ProjectionMode.Perspective (by default) or ProjectionMode.Orthographic.

Note that it can be changed at any time.

Height of the camera screen target, expressed in screen points.

Width of the camera screen target, expressed in screen points.

X component of the camera screen target bottom-left corner, expressed in screen points.

Y component of the camera screen target bottom-left corner, expressed in screen points.

number VerticalFOV read-only

Returns the vertical field of view, depending on current screen orientation. This is based on the minimum field of view FieldOfView.

Integer between 1 and 255 used to order multiple cameras. Additional cameras created in Lua have a default value of 127. The main Camera provided by Cubzh engine has a default value of 0.

Note that as of version 0.1.1, setting an orthographic camera's view order to be rendered before a perspective camera will make it use render scaling instead of points scaling (see Camera). This may be addressed in future updates.

Width of the camera projection.

Inherited from Object


Camera's constant acceleration in world coordinates per second squared.

⚠️ Acceleration will only affect Camera's position while Camera.Physics is true.

-- Acceleration can be used to compensate gravity: 
myObject.Acceleration = -Config.ConstantAcceleration
-- myObject's acceleration is now the invert of 
-- Config.ConstantAcceleration, cancelling it.

Collision groups the Camera belongs to.

⚠️ It doesn't mean the Camera will collide with other Objects in these groups.

If the Camera belongs to group number 3 for example, it means all Objects that have group number 3 in their Object.CollidesWithGroups property will collide with it.

By default:
- Objects collide with the Map and other Objects
- Players collide with the Map only

That can all be configured differently depening on your needs.

local object1 = Object()
local object2 = Object()
-- It's not mandatory to set Physics to true
-- An object with Physics set to false contributes to the
-- physics simulation as a static item (can't be moved)
object1.Physics = true
object2.Physics = true

-- making sure 2 objects collide with each other
-- NOTE: by default:
-- Map.CollisionGroups == {1},
-- Player.CollisionGroups == {2},
-- Object.CollisionGroups == {3}
object1.CollisionGroups = {5}
object2.CollisionGroups = {5}
object1.CollidesWithGroups = {1, 5} -- collides with Map + objects in group 5
object2.CollidesWithGroups = {1, 5} -- collides with Map + objects in group 5

-- would also work this way if you don't 
-- remember Map's group (which can be changed too by the way)
object1.CollidesWithGroups = Map.CollisionGroups + {5}

-- making an object collides with the Map and Players
local object = Object()
object.CollidesWithGroups = Map.CollisionGroups + Player.CollisionGroups

-- for Player (local player) to collide with other players and the Map
Player.CollidesWithGroups = Map.CollisionGroups + Player.CollisionGroups

Collision groups the Camera collides with.

By default:
- Objects collide with the Map and other Objects
- Players collide with the Map and the Objects

That can all be configured differently depending on your needs.

local object = Object()

-- It's not mandatory to change Physics value.
-- (default value is PhysicsMode.Static)
-- An object with Physics set to PhysicsMode.Static contributes 
-- to the physics simulation as a static item (can't be moved)
object.Physics = PhysicsMode.Dynamic

-- making an object collide with the Map and Players
object.CollidesWithGroups = Map.CollisionGroups + Player.CollisionGroups

-- for an Object to collide with other objects only
-- (won't collide with the map)
object.CollidesWithGroups = object.CollisionGroups

-- for Player (local player) to collide with other players and the Map
Player.CollidesWithGroups = Map.CollisionGroups + Player.CollisionGroups

-- making sure 2 objects collide with each others
-- NOTE: by default:
-- Map.CollisionGroups == {1},
-- Player.CollisionGroups == {2},
-- Object.CollisionGroups == {3}
local object1 = Object()
local object2 = Object()
object1.CollisionGroups = {5}
object2.CollisionGroups = {5}
object1.CollidesWithGroups = {1, 5} -- collides with Map + objects in group 5
object2.CollidesWithGroups = {1, 5} -- collides with Map + objects in group 5

-- would also work this way if you don't 
-- remember Map's group (which can be changed too by the way)
object1.CollidesWithGroups = Map.CollisionGroups + {5}

Sets the simulation mode for this object, it can be one of the following:
- PhysicsMode.Disabled: excluded from all physics features.
- PhysicsMode.Trigger: Camera's collision box is available for casts and collision callbacks, and is passed through by other dynamic objects.
- PhysicsMode.TriggerPerBlock: if Camera is a Shape, its model blocks are available for casts and collision callbacks, and is passed through by other dynamic objects.
- PhysicsMode.Static: Camera's collision box is available for casts, collision callbacks, and acts as an obstacle for other dynamic objects.
- PhysicsMode.StaticPerBlock: if Camera is a Shape, its model blocks are available for casts, collision callbacks, and act as obstacles for other dynamic objects.
- PhysicsMode.Dynamic: Camera's world-aligned collision box is available for casts, collision callbacks, may act as obstacles for other dynamic objects, and is itself fully simulated.

By default, objects are set to PhysicsMode.Static.

You may use Dev.DisplayColliders to visualize each object's collision settings.

⚠️ When set to PhysicsMode.Disabled, Camera.Velocity & Camera.Motion are set to {0,0,0}.

nil by default. Can be set to a function that will be triggered when this object begins a collision with another object.

The function is called with 3 parameters:
- the object the callback was set for,
- the other actor in the collision,
- the world normal of the hit surface.

Note: it's not necessary to use all 3 parameters.

object.OnCollisionBegin = function(self, other, normal)
  print("collision began between", self, " and ", other, " with world normal ", normal)

nil by default. Can be set to a function that will be triggered every frame where this object remains in contact with another object.

Like OnCollisionBegin, this function has 3 arguments: self, other, normal.

nil by default. Can be set to a function that will be triggered when the Camera ends colliding with another Object.

The function is called with 2 parameters: the object the callback was set for and the other actor in the collision.

object.OnCollisionEnd = function(self, other)
  print("collision ended between", self, "and", other)

Position of the Camera in the world.

local o = Object()
-- places the object where the local player is
o.Position = Player.Position
boolean IsOnGround read-only

true when the Camera is not falling.

⚠️ IsOnGround only makes sense when Camera.Physics is true.

Can be set to true for the Camera to be hidden recursively, meaning Camera and all of its children are hidden.

Nothing else changes, the Camera remains in the scene and it keeps being affected by the simulation (collisions, etc.).

Can be set to true for the Camera to be hidden individually.

Nothing else changes, the Camera remains in the scene and it keeps being affected by the simulation (collisions, etc.).

Size in world units of the shadow cookie projected under the Camera, default is 0.0 (disabled).
The shadow cookie, also called blob shadow, is a square texture acting as a cheap alternative to projected shadows.

If this value is strictly positive, shadow cookies will be displayed when:
- the scene has no light source,
- the scene has light sources, but they are disabled because the client is using lower quality settings

Shadow cookies can be used as a fallback to your scene shadows for players with low quality settings, of course, you can also use them instead of shadows as a design choice.

Local position of the Camera relative to its parent.

All of Camera's ancestors local transformations are combined to obtain the Camera "world position" (Object.Position), the Object's final position.

Rotation of the Camera in the world (as seen on screen).

While it usually works for simple operations (like Rotation.X = Rotation.X + someAngle), we advise you to use Number3.Rotate to rotate an object around X, Y & Z axis.

You can also set unit vectors like Camera.Up, Camera.Right or Camera.Forward to orient your object.

local o = Object()
o.Rotation = {0, math.pi, 0}
-- o revolved half a turn on Y axis

-- another way to rotate the object:
o.Forward:Rotate({0, 0, math.pi / 2})
o.Forward = Camera.Forward

Tick is a function executed ~30 times per second when set (nil by default). Provides the Camera and elapsed time in seconds as parameters.

-- executed ~30 times per second on each user device
myObject.Tick = function(object, dt)
  print("elapsed:", dt, "seconds")

Local rotation of the Camera relative to its parent.

All of Camera's ancestors local transformations are combined to obtain the "world rotation" (Object.Rotation), the Object's final rotation.

Velocity of the Camera in world coordinates per second.

⚠️ Velocity will only affect Camera's position while Camera.Physics is true. Whenever it is set to false, Velocity is set to {0,0,0}.

-- makes myObject jump:
myObject.Velocity.Y = 100

Be aware, this Motion property is a hack regarding laws of physics. (sorry Isaac)

But it's very practical to move objects without worrying about forces at play.

This is what's being used by default when you're moving around with your avatar (see Client.DirectionalPad). It's the reason why you can stop moving horizontally while in the air.

Basically, Motion is an instantaneous displacement that contributes to moving Camera every frame, without changing Camera.Velocity directly.

Motion is expressed in world coordinates per second.

⚠️ Motion will only affect Camera's position while Camera.Physics is true. Whenever it is set to false, Motion is set to {0,0,0}.

local speed = 10
myObject.Motion = Camera.Forward * speed
-- myObject will move in the same direction the camera is currently facing.
-- If the Camera rotates after this, it won't change where myObject is heading.

Scale of the Object, in its parent.

Nested Object local scales are combined to obtain the "world scale" (Object.LossyScale), the Object's final scale.

myObject.LocalScale = 2 -- the Object is now 2 times bigger
topLevelObject.LocalScale = 2
local o = Object()
o.LocalScale = 0.5
topLevelObject:AddChild(o) -- o becomes a child of topLevelObject
-- o ends up being displayed with a scale of 1
number LossyScale read-only

Convenience property that attempts to match the actual world scale as much as it can. Note that Objects that have multiple levels of nested rotations and scales will return a skewed lossy scale.

The mass of the Object determines how much a given force can move it and whether or not another object can be pushed by it. It cannot be zero, a neutral mass is a mass of 1.

The combined friction of 2 Objects in contact represents how much the moving Object will be able to slide along the colliding Object.

It is a rate between 0 (full slide, no friction) and 1 (maximum friction). Values equal to or lower than 0 will keep or increase momentum, like sliding on ice. Values higher than 1 means a faster stop, up to a value of 2 to ensure a full stop on contact regardless of the colliding Object's own friction.

[Object.Friction] can be set per-face by providing a table with any combination of the following keys : right, left, front, back, top, bottom, other.
For example, to set the friction on the bottom face of an object's collider to 0 and 0.2 on every other faces, you could set, object.Friction = { bottom=0, other=0.2 }.

The combined bounciness of 2 Objects in contact represents how much of the moving Object's velocity is produced after being in contact with the colliding Object, it is a rate between 0 (no bounce) and 1 (100% of the velocity bounced). Values higher than 1 are allowed and will create an increasing momentum at each bounce (try at your own risk).

[Object.Bounciness] can be set per-face by providing a table with any combination of the following keys : right, left, front, back, top, bottom, other.
For example, to set the bounciness on the side faces of an object's collider to 0.2 and 0 on top and bottom faces, you could set, object.Bounciness = { top=0, bottom=0, other=0.2 }.

All Objects have a collision box that represents the space occupied in the scene with regards to collisions. For Shapes and Players, the collision box is updated with their bounding box. For Objects, it is a 1-cube by default after physics was enabled for the first time.

Returns number of child Objects.

Up is a unit vector (vector with a length of 1). It determines which direction is "up" for the Camera.

Setting it is a way to rotate the Camera.

Right is a unit vector (vector with a length of 1). It determines which direction is "right" for the Camera.

Setting it is a way to rotate the Camera.

Forward is a unit vector (vector with a length of 1). It determines which direction is "forward" for the Camera.

Setting it is a way to rotate the Camera.

Left is a unit vector (vector with a length of 1). It determines which direction is "left" for the Camera.

Setting it is a way to rotate the Camera.

Down is a unit vector (vector with a length of 1). It determines which direction is "down" for the Camera.

Setting it is a way to rotate the Camera.

Backward is a unit vector (vector with a length of 1). It determines which direction is "backward" for the Camera.

Setting it is a way to rotate the Camera.